Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, United Kingdom
JDH/2/22/1/1 f.71
Gray, Asa
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
© Descendants of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Asa Gray Correspondence
The Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Original MS
4 page letter over 1 folio

JDH thanks Gray for sending him notes on the Compass plant [Silphium laciniatum]. Discusses payment for books purchased for Gray. JDH subscribed to Leighton's Lichen Flora so that Leighton would leave his collections to RBG Kew, he is sending a copy of the new edition to Gray. Mrs Bentham has broken her femur. JDH's son Charles Paget Hooker's has been burnt out of his house, the fire killed some livestock & pets. John Smith is incapacitated by sciatica & the garden work is falling to JDH & William Thiselton-Dyer. JDH is relieved it will be his last year on The Royal Society Council, after a total of 16 years duty. He recounts some internal affairs of the Linnean Society, George Bentham resigned due to the appointment of Marie to Kippist's place on the Linnean Council. JDH is disappointed at the appointment of non-scientists as librarian & secretary to the Linnean Society. The Hooker family are well. JDH wishes he could join Gray in Spain but his duties will not allow it. He is busy with the BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Bentham is upset with JDH's slow progress on palms [for GENERA PLANTARUM].


Librarian a man who is no botanist, is very much disliked by us all, & is a thorough schemer -- However[?] it is time that I did not trouble myself with such matters.
We are all well, Jos[eph] as bright as ever.
How I wish that we could join you in Spain, but it is impossible. We cannot leave home now, even if my duties allowed of it -- & I must get 3 months Bot[anical] magazine off my hands before I go any--where[sic]! Bentham too is lamenting my slow progress at the Palms
With united love to you both | Ever y[ou]r affec[tionate] | JD Hooker [signature]
I will see to the plants going with the books --

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Oct[ober] 28/[18]80
Dear [Asa] Gray,
Thanks for your letter just received & for the contained notes & reference to Compass-- plant [Silphium laciniatum].
As to payment for books -- "Suon[?] contento" as we shall say (right or wrong, in fact or grammar) when we get to Italy -- but really there is no hurry about payment, & you might have had them for 0. if you would have accepted them -- you asked for "one of two copies" of Leighton[']s Lichen Flora. -- I find that those 2 copies are of an old edition which I subscribed for to gratify the old man, who is to leave all his Lichens to Kew. I also subscribed for

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new edition, & I have added that to the lot -- it is of no use whatever to me.
Mrs Bentham has broken her femur high up -- she slipped & fell in her dressing room, she don't[sic] know how. Bentham was in great alarm, but she is going on well -- this was on Sunday.
Charlie at Coltishall has been burnt out of his house i.e lodgings & had a narrow escape from suffocation. He has saved his things with some damage & all stinking of the Pyroligneous -- he lodged with a stable keeper & the fire broke out in the stables which are part of the house & was only discovered at 5 am when the dwelling house was burning. Two horses & a cow not his own were burnt to death, also his

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dog & cat.
The weather here is utterly horrid; cold & wind & rain in torrents.
Smith’s Sciatica is very bad & the garden work practically falls on Dyer & myself.
The R[oyal]. S[ociety]. Councils begin to day[sic] happily this is my last year of them (for the present) after 10 continuous & 16 in all! Quite half my period of membership -- I suppose I must have been useful! or else have been an egregious imposter -- a little of both we may conclude logically. As it is I feel a loathing to all that sort of work; & all the more after the Linnean affairs having gone so utterly wrong. This council had elected Marié into Kippist's place -- a shameless job -- & upon which Bentham resigned the council before leaving the rooms. I feel very low about it -- they have now a secretary who is neither a scientific man nor a Botanist, & for

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Librarian a man who is no botanist, is very much disliked by us all, & is a thorough schemer -- However[?] it is time that I did not trouble myself with such matters.
We are all well, Jos[eph] as bright as ever.
How I wish that we could join you in Spain, but it is impossible. We cannot leave home now, even if my duties allowed of it -- & I must get 3 months Bot[anical] magazine off my hands before I go any--where[sic]! Bentham too is lamenting my slow progress at the Palms
With united love to you both | Ever y[ou]r affec[tionate] | JD Hooker [signature]
I will see to the plants going with the books --

Please note that work on this transcript is ongoing. Users are advised to study electronic image(s) of this document where possible.


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