JDH asks William Thiselton-Dyer to inform Mr New whether or not he will be able to read JDH's paper on Kilimanjaro plants at the Linnean Society. JDH is leaving Beitrich for Gerolstein, & will then cross the Eifel to Altenahr & return home via Bonn or Aix. Mention's Kendall's death. JDH's tour has so far covered Luxembourg, Treves [Trier] & Berncastle [Bernkastel]. The weather has been cold & he has observed that the vegetation is not as far advanced as at RBG Kew & fruit & nut crops have been killed.
Beitrich -- N[orth] of Alph [Alf] in the Moselle
-- Monday*1
My Dear Dyer,*2
If you should be able conveniently to read my paper on new[?] Kilimanjaro plants at the Linnaean on Thursday, will you kindly let Mr. New know of it. You will (I hope) find his address in a letter of his to me amongst the English ones in the basket. We leave this today for Gerolstein -- & thence cross the
Beitrich -- N[orth] of Alph [Alf] in the Moselle
-- Monday*1
My Dear Dyer,*2
If you should be able conveniently to read my paper on new[?] Kilimanjaro plants at the Linnaean on Thursday, will you kindly let Mr. New know of it. You will (I hope) find his address in a letter of his to me amongst the English ones in the basket. We leave this today for Gerolstein -- & thence cross the
Eifel to Altenahr & so home by Bonn or Aix I suppose. Please thank Mr Smith for his note. The fact of Kendall's death is very discouraging in many ways. We have had a pretty tour so far, stopping at Luxembourg -- Treves [Trier] -- Berncastle [Bernkastel] (down the Moselle) & 2 night here. The weather has been raw cold & sometimes showery, but today is splendid.
Vegetation is more backward than at Kew & the whole of the fruit crops of all kinds are killed outright. There is not an apple even to be seen. Walnuts are all black & their dead leaves hang in shreds to the tips of the branches. I never saw such destruction.
I am Sincerely yours | Jos. D. Hooker [signature]
W.T. Dyer Esq | June 19. '73*3
1. A date has been added in pencil in another hand: 19 June 1873.
2. Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer (1843--1928). Appointed Assistant Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew under Joseph Hooker in 1875. Succeeded Hooker as Director Nov 1885--1905. Earlier in his career he was a Professor at The Royal Agriculture College Cirencester, Royal College of Science for Ireland in Dublin and the Royal Horticultural Society. Notable published works include editions of the Flora Capensis and the Flora of Tropical Africa. He married Joseph Hooker’s daughter Harriet Anne Hooker in 1877.
3. Date appears to have been added by a different hand.
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