JDH returns Poulton to Thiselton-Dyer [WTTD], [presumably a copy of Edward Bagnall Poulton's book CHARLES DARWIN AND THE THEORY OF NATURAL SELECTION]. JDH comments that Poulton makes too much of [Thomas Henry] Huxley & that Newton wishes to belittle both. JDH says he has written to F[rancis] Darwin on the matter. JDH talks about how he is unable to grasp the notion of Pangenesis & he & Darwin disagreed on it. Comments that WTTD's judgement of [Brian Houghton] Hodgson is just. He is a different person from the one JDH knew in Darjeeling. Comments on rumours, perpetuated by Yule & [Sir William Wilson] Hunter, of an alleged alliance with a Kathmandu woman, likely to have been a girl he bought at the market. JDH sees it as an unwise, chivalrous act for Hodgson to have brought her to live in his house at Darjeeling, which Hodgson may now regret. Describes how [Archibald] Campbell felt the dishonour of his 'old chief', Hodgson. Hunter did not include [in his biography THE LIFE OF BRIAN HOUGHTON HODGSON] all JDH said of his obligations to Hodgson. Mrs Hodgson assumed wrongly thought he JDH was one of her husband's paid collectors in India. JDH encloses duplicates of a Medallion [probably Wedgewood with a portrait of Hodgson] & a copy of one of [Sir Joseph] Banks's for Australia. He says that he has sent all to [Ferdinand von] Mueller.
6 Ja[nuar]y/[18]97
My dear Dyer*1
I return Poulton*2 with many thanks, it has interested me greatly. He makes too much of Huxley*3 -- He is quite wrong about Huxley's answer to the B[isho]p[?] at Oxford, & it's effect is all through Newton's desire to belittle belittle both, calling it a 'drawn battle'! I have written to F. Darwin*4 about it. As to Pangenesis, it was as the 'parting of the ways' with Darwin and me. I never could even entertain grasp the notion of what were neither molecular nor atom.
Your estimate of Hodgson*5 is very just -- as we knew him in the
6 Ja[nuar]y/[18]97
My dear Dyer*1
I return Poulton*2 with many thanks, it has interested me greatly. He makes too much of Huxley*3 -- He is quite wrong about Huxley's answer to the B[isho]p[?] at Oxford, & it's effect is all through Newton's desire to belittle belittle both, calling it a 'drawn battle'! I have written to F. Darwin*4 about it. As to Pangenesis, it was as the 'parting of the ways' with Darwin and me. I never could even entertain grasp the notion of what were neither molecular nor atom.
Your estimate of Hodgson*5 is very just -- as we knew him in the
mildewed condition of his later life. He was a very different being as I knew him at Darjeeling (i.e. when well there), full of animation & brimming over with information. I could understand Yule's irreveren irreverence, but I cannot the objection founded on his so called marriage, or alliance to a "Mohomdea Lady"! as Hunter*6, with what I can only suppose to be with humourously calls it her. She was just a girl out of the Bazaar, at Katmandu, a Hindoo[sic] I suppose, who Hodgson no doubt bought. At Darjiling [Darjeeling] she lived in one room of a hut behind H[odgson]'s bungalow, with one native woman to attend on her, & Hodgson told me that he had no communication with her, & very rarely
saw her. He must now regret of it, & I thought & think his bringing her to Darjeeling or rather sending to Katmandu for her, was a chivalrous act on his part, most honourable to him, though very unwise. It was a standing grievance with Campbell*7, who keenly felt the dishonoured position of his old chief; a feeling position which H. considering himself above reproach, could not bring himself to acknowledge.
Hunter did not put in all I said of my obligations to Hodgson. Mrs H. drew her pen across whole passages, she startled me on my last visit by telling me she thought I had been one of 'H's paid collectors his in India'!
I enclose in with Poulton duplicates of the Medallion, & an [1 word illeg.] one of Banks for Australia -- I had sent all to Mueller*8.
You must excuse this scrawl
the house is being turned upside down for a children's party.
Ev[e]r aff[ectionatel]y y[ou]rs | Jos. D. Hooker[signature]
1. Sir William Thiselton-Dyer (1843--1928). British botanist and third Director of the Royal Botanic gardens, Kew (1885--1905). He succeeded Joseph Hooker in the role after serving as his Assistant Director for ten years. He also married Hooker's eldest daughter Harriet in 1877.
2. Sir Edward Bagnall Poulton (1856--1943) British evolutionary biologist who believed in natural selection.
3. Thomas Henry Huxley (1825--1895). English biologist (comparative anatomist). His vigorous public support for Charles Darwin's evolutionary naturalism earned him the nickname "Darwin's Bulldog." His organisational efforts, public lectures and writing helped elevate the place of science in modern society.
4. Sir Francis 'Frank' Darwin (1848--1925). Botanist. Son of British naturalist and scientist, Charles Darwin.
5. Brian Houghton Hodgson (1801—1894). A pioneer naturalist and ethnologist working in India and Nepal where he was a British civil servant. Joseph Hooker stayed at Hodgson’s house in Darjeeling periodically during his expedition to India and the Himalayas, 1847--1851, and named one of his sons after him. They remained lifelong friends.
6. Sir William Wilson Hunter (1840--1900). Scottish historian, statistician and member of the Indian Civil Service. Author of a biography pf Brian Houghton Hodgson: The Life of Brian Houghton Hodgson; British Resident at the Court of Nepal, (1896).
7. Dr Archibald Campbell or Dr Arthur Campbell (1805--1874). First superintendent of Darjeeling, India under British rule, an East India Company representative. Former assistant to Brian Hodgson during his time as British Resident in Kathmandu and a great friend of Joseph Hooker. Hooker & Campbell travelled together in Sikkim in 1849 and both were briefly imprisoned by the Rajah of Sikkim. His first name has been subject to debate.
8. Ferdinand von Mueller (1892--1896). German botanist, physician and geographer. Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne and founder of the National Herbarium of Victoria
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