Library to Kew. & thus handicap the purchase of his own at a future period. Bentham*21 felt this too acutely but there was no help for it. The prime object was, to keep Bentham at work at Kew, & this was the obvious means.
Ev[er] aff[ectionatel]y y[ou]rs | Jos. D Hooker[signature]
March 12/[18]99*1
The Camp
My dear Dyer*2
I enclose a letter from Dulau[?] will you kindly see to his request. As to my honorarium I do not wish for it till the work is finished (Cyperaceae gone to press) & then it would be much more agreeable to me to receive it as recognition of my services (dating from Gardner's*3 appointment, 55 years ago!) to the gov[ernmen]t of Ceylon*4.
What my father can have meant by proposing to accommodate the greater part of his Library at the K[ing]. of Hanover's*5 passes my comprehension. How was he to continue his own works? I used his Library for the last 14 years of
my life, daily I may almost say, & certainly with the exception of the travels and some other works of little or no use for reference, including some bulky folios, maps & etc etc, all remained in the Directors' house till his death. The study & ante-study, & the room with the bow window looking on the Green were covered with books from floor to ceiling for the most part. & then there was the dining room wall opposite the windows, & books in his dressing room upstairs. I could now, in the transformed rooms of your home point out the positions of the principal works, 8vo 4to & folio but of not one in the K. of Hanover's.
With regard to the relative extent & [one word crossed out, illeg.] value of my father's & Bentham's*6 botanic Libraries -- I took out from the Lib[ra]ry catalogue the number of works presented by
Bentham and those purchased from my fathers Lib[ra]ry from [one word crossed out, illeg.] 60 pages, taken absolutely at random:-- the result was G.B 254 -- H 488 -- & if instead of works, you count by volumes -- I suspect the numbers would be nearly 1--3.
Of folios my fathers' Lib[ra]ry contributed 166 works (257 volumes) amongst the costly[?] of which were . --
Blumes' works -- 8 vols.
Balliard -- 6 vols
Corda*8 -- 5 vols
Hedwig*9 -- 4 vols
Humboldt*10 Melastom[acées] 2 vols.
Jacquin*11 8 works 15 vols.
L'Huit[?] -- 4 vols
Redouté*12 Lilium 8 vols.
Roxbrugh*13 Lon Pl. 3 vols
Schotts*14 aroids & MeIetem[ata?] 2 vols
Flora Londinensis*15 -- Icones Filicum &c &c
Flora Graeca 10 vols.
Siebold 2 vols
Sowerby Fungi 3*15a
Tenore*16 Fl[ora]. Neap[olitana].
Ventenat*17 Choix
" Jard[in] Malm[ai]s[o]n
Waldstein*18 &c 3 vols.
Martins*19 Palmae[?] 3.
" Nov. Gen. 3.
Kunth's*20 Revis. Gram[inae?]. 2.
&c &c &c
of Quarto there were purchased, as not being in Benthams' Lib[ra]ry -- including transactions, 679 works. 1007 volumes
of Octavos 1900 works 2470 volumes. (of course many are vols. of mere tracts)
You will I know understand my jealousy of the fame of my father's Botanic Library: & all the more when I tell you, that he was blamed by friends, who knew all his sacrifices, for his inducements to Bentham to present his Herbarium &
Library to Kew. & thus handicap the purchase of his own at a future period. Bentham*21 felt this too acutely but there was no help for it. The prime object was, to keep Bentham at work at Kew, & this was the obvious means.
Ev[er] aff[ectionatel]y y[ou]rs | Jos. D Hooker[signature]
1. The receipt stamp of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew that appears on this letter is dated 13 March 1899 and an annotation indicates that the letter was answered 13 March 1899.
2. Sir William Thiselton-Dyer (1843--1928). British botanist and third Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (1885--1905). He succeeded Joseph Hooker in the role after serving as his Assistant Director for ten years. He previously held professorships at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, Royal College of Science for Ireland and the Royal Horticultural Society. He married Hooker's eldest daughter Harriet in 1877.
3. George Gardner (1810--1849). Scottish surgeon whose interest in botany was generated by lectures given by Sir William Hooker at the University of Glasgow. He spent 5 years collecting plants and other natural history specimens in Brazil, described in Travels in the Interior of Brazil. On his return he was elected as a member of the Linnaean Society. In 1844 he was appointed the Superintendent and Chief Gardener of the Royal Botanic Garden, Peradeniya in Ceylon [Sri Lanka] where he worked on a 'Flora Zeylanica'.
4. The island formerly known as Ceylon is now called Sri Lanka.
5. King of Hanover's House. This house was purchased by George III in 1818, at George Bentham's suggestion, to provide a home for the Herbarium and Library of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. George IV sold it to the nation and William III granted it to the Duke of Cumberland. In 1837 when the Duke of Cumberland became the King of Hanover it was called the King of Hanover's House.
6. George Bentham (1800--1884). British botanist who donated his herbarium of more than 100,000 specimens to Kew. He spent 27 years with Joseph Hooker in research and examination of specimens for the work Genera Plantarum, an influential work on plant taxonomy which is the foundation of modern systems of classification.
7. James Bateman (1811--1897). The landowner and horticulturalist who developed Biddulph Grange gardens. He was a collector and scholar of orchids and published 3 volumes on orchids.
8. August Karl Joseph Corda (1809--1849). Czech physician and mycologist.
9. Johann Hedwig (1730--1799). German botanist noted for his studies of mosses and sometimes called the 'father of bryology'.
10. Baron Alexander von Humboldt (1769--1859). German naturalist, explorer and plant collector in Spanish America, Russia and Asia. His most famous work was Cosmos -- a survey of the physical sciences and their interrelation.
11. Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727--1817). Dutch scientist who studied medicine in Leiden before moving to Paris and then Vienna. He collected plants in the West Indies and Central America on behalf of Francis I for the Schonbrünn Palace and became Director of the Botanical Gardens of the University of Vienna.
12. Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759--1840). Dutch artist and botanist known for his watercolours of roses, lilies and other flowers at Malmaison. He was the official court artist of Queen Marie Antoinette. This reference is probably to Les Liliacées, 8 volumes, 1802--1816.
13. William Roxbrugh (1751--1815). Scottish surgeon and botanist who worked extensively in India collecting, identifying and illustrating plants and experimenting with the introduction of new crops. His Flora Indica was published in two volumes after his death and he was known as the founding father of Indian botany.
14. Heinrich Wilhelm Schott (1794--1865). Austrian botanist who took part in the Austrian Brazil Expedition. He was appointed Royal Gardener in Vienna and served as the Director of the Imperial Gardens at the Schonbrünn Palace. He was known for his extensive work on the Araceae and was co-author, with Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher, of 'Metelemata botanica'.
15. Flora Londinensis. A flora of the London region published in the 18th century by William Curtis in 6 volumes. The work was enlarged by William J. Hooker who published an edition with his own text in 1817 and 1828.
15a. Sowerby, James (1787--1809), Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms. London
16. Michele Tenore (1880--1886). Italian botanist who helped found and became Director of the Botanical Garden of Naples. He was author of Flora Neapolitana.
17. Etienne Pierre Ventenat (1757--1808). A French botanist and author of 'Le Jardin de la Malmaison' which was commissioned by Joséphine de Beauharnais and illustrated by Pierre-Joseph Redouté.
18. Franz de Paula Adam Norbert Wenzel Ludwig Valentin von Waldstein (1759--1823). Austrian soldier, explorer and naturalist who, with Pal Kitaibel, produced 3 volumes of descriptions and illustrations of rare plants of Hungary.
19. Charles Friedrich Martins (1806--1889). French botanist.
20. Karl Sigismund Kunth (1788--1850). German botanist who worked in Paris classifying plants collected by Humboldt in the Americas. He eventually became Professor of Botany at the University of Berlin and a Vice-president of its Botanical Garden and continued collecting in South and Central America. He was the author of Les graminées de l'Amerique du Sud.
21. The word order at the start of this sentence was changed to: 'Bentham too felt this acutely....'
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