JHC599 - Page 1
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Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton
The Camp, Sunningdale, Berkshire, United Kingdom
JDH/1/9 f.744
Stapf, Otto
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
© Descendants of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Letters to Otto Stapf
The Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Original MS
1 page letter over 1 folio

JDH informs Otto Stapf that he is sending a parcel to the Director by rail which contains four items: periodicals; FLORA OF INDO CHINA; SPECIES OF HYDROCERA and ICONES material for Miss [Matilda] Smith. Stapf has annotated the note after JDH's signature, noting that Miss Smith is still ill and that the ICONES material should go to her. He writes 'No more Hydrocera'. He also asks whether anything is known about a journal or diary of Seemann's travels in Oahu beyond what has been published in the LONDON JOURNAL OF BOTANY, and BONPLANDIA.


March 13 1909
My dear Stapf*1
I am sending by rail addressed to the Director a parcel containing
Periodicals*2a Flora of Indo China returned
Species of Hydrocera returned
"Icones" materials for Miss Smith*2b
Ever y[our]s | Jos.D.Hooker[signature]
*2Miss Smith still ill. Icones Material to her. No more Hydrocera. Is it anything known about a diary or account of Seemann's referring to his stay in Oahu, beyond London J[ournal of]. B[otany]. and Bonplandia?

Page 1

March 13 1909
My dear Stapf*1
I am sending by rail addressed to the Director a parcel containing
Periodicals*2a Flora of Indo China returned
Species of Hydrocera returned
"Icones" materials for Miss Smith*2b
Ever y[our]s | Jos.D.Hooker[signature]
*2Miss Smith still ill. Icones Material to her. No more Hydrocera. Is it anything known about a diary or account of Seemann's referring to his stay in Oahu, beyond London J[ournal of]. B[otany]. and Bonplandia?


1a. TELEGRAMS, WINDLESHAM is printed on the left-hand side. Underneath is annotated 'Rec[ei]pt 15.iii'
1. Otto Stapf (1857--1933). Austrian botanist and taxonomist, the son of Joseph Stapf, who worked in the Hallstatt salt-mines. He published the archaeological plant remains from the Late Bronze and Iron Age mines that had been uncovered by his father. Stapf moved to Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in 1890. He was keeper of the Herbarium from 1909 to 1920 and became British citizen in 1905. He was awarded the Linnean Medal in 1927. In 1908 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.
2a. A line has been drawn alongside this list of four items, in the left-hand margin, along with the annotation 'ack[nowledged]'.
2b. Matilda Smith (1854--1926). Botanical illustrator. Smith was the second cousin of Joseph Dalton Hooker, who arranged for her training in botanical illustration at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. She contributed plates to Curtis's Botanical Magazine from 1878, becoming one of its key illustrators. She also provided illustrations for Hooker's work Icones Plantarum and in 1898 became Kew's first official artist. She retired from Kew in 1921 and in the same year was made a Fellow of the Linnean Society, only the second woman to gain the honour.
2. The wording from here to the end of the letter is an annotation written and signed by Otto Stapf.

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