JDH informs Otto Stapf that he has received a Swedish Journal: ARKIV FÖR BOTANIK number 8 parts 1-5, 1909, issued by Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien [The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences]. JDH asks if he should send the work to the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Annotations written in another hand, believed to be that of herbarium assistant Sydney Alfred Skan, indicates that RBG Kew already receives the journal for Stockholm & that it appears in the library catalogue under Stockholm. An additional annotation confirms that the journal is the continuation of an existing one under a different title as JDH suspected: K. VETENSKAPS ACADEMIA. JDH also asks if the RBG Kew library wants L'ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DE GEOG. BOT., to which Skan has indicated that they already subscribe.
Aug[ust] 6 1909
My dear Stapf*1
I have received Arkiv för Botanik
Utgivet of K. Svenska Vetenskapsakadiemen[sic] & Stockholm
Band 8 Haefte 1-5 --1909
I do not remember having received previous volumes & I cannot find the work in the Kew Library Catalogue*2 -- Shall I send it to the Herbarium?*3
I suppose it is a continuation of the K. Vetenskaps Academia --*4
Does the Library want Bulletin de l'Academie Internationale de Geog. Bot.? *5, 6
Please enter enclosed receipts.
Ev[er] sincerely y[our]s | Jos. D. Hooker[signature]
Aug[ust] 6 1909
My dear Stapf*1
I have received Arkiv för Botanik
Utgivet of K. Svenska Vetenskapsakadiemen[sic] & Stockholm
Band 8 Haefte 1-5 --1909
I do not remember having received previous volumes & I cannot find the work in the Kew Library Catalogue*2 -- Shall I send it to the Herbarium?*3
I suppose it is a continuation of the K. Vetenskaps Academia --*4
Does the Library want Bulletin de l'Academie Internationale de Geog. Bot.? *5, 6
Please enter enclosed receipts.
Ev[er] sincerely y[our]s | Jos. D. Hooker[signature]
1. Otto Stapf (1857--1933). Austrian botanist and taxonomist, the son of Joseph Stapf, who worked in the Hallstatt salt-mines. He published the archaeological plant remains from the Late Bronze and Iron Age mines that had been uncovered by his father. Stapf moved to Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in 1890. He was keeper of the Herbarium from 1909 to 1920 and became British citizen in 1905. He was awarded the Linnean Medal in 1927. In 1908 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.
2. On page 2 in a different hand is written "Under Stockholm in Additions to Catalogue for 1903. Kew receives a copy from Academy.", a star symbol indicates that the annotation relates to this passage of the letter. The annotation is signed "S.A.S.", presumed to be RBG Kew herbarium assistant Sydney Alfred Skan, and dated "14.viii.09".
3. At this point there is an annotation in red ink, in a different hand, which reads "We receive from Stockholm".
4. At this point there is an annotation in red ink, in a different hand, which reads "Yes!".
5. At this point there is an annotation in red ink, in a different hand, which reads "No!".
6. On page 2 in a different hand is written "We subscribe for this" as an insert to be included at this point. The annotation is signed "S.A.S.", presumed to be RBG Kew herbarium assistant Sydney Alfred Skan, and dated "14.viii.09".
7. The wording from here to the end of the letter is in the handwriting of the person who wrote the annotations on page 2.
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