The Camp Sunningdale
Sept. 7/[18]93
Dear Mr. Ridley*1
We have flowered[?] your Protamomum maxillarioides & it is fixed[?] for Bot[anical] Mag[azine]. Have you published it? -- if not please leave me any notes that you may wish me to publish regarding it.
Is the genus distinct from Lowia?
Ever yours | JDHooker [signature]*2
1. Henry Nicholas Ridley CMG, MA, FRS, F.R.H.S., 1855--1956, English botanist, geologist and naturalist, known as “Mad Ridley” for his enthusiasm in establishing rubber trees in the Malay Peninsula, lived most of his life in Singapore
2. This correspondence is on a postcard. The reverse side contains the mailing address as follows:
Union Postale Universelle
Post Card--Great Britain & Ireland
(Grande Bretagne Et Irlande)
The address only to be written on this side.
H.N. Ridley [one word illeg.] MA. FLS.
Director of Garden & Forest
Straits Settlements
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