JHC774 - Page 1
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Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton
author address unknown,
HNR/2/1/3 f.112
Ridley, Henry Nicholas
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
© Descendants of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Letters to H. N. Ridley
The Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Original MS
1 page letter over 1 folio

Malay Peninsula Herb[arium] Ridley,
Jan[uar]y 1903
Leaves opposite
*1I[mpatiens]. Griffithii, H[oo]k[er] f & T[homson]. One specimen is marked I[mpatiens]. Chinensis L[innaeus]. (which I have not seen from the Peninsula[)]. Leaves opposite & alternate
*2I[mpatiens]. Curtisii H[oo]k[er] f. Sepals lanceolate; standard obcordate, distal lobes of [word illeg.] free, obcordate; spur very long slender
Perak Curtis. Ridley I[mpatiens]. Ridleyi, H[oo]k[er]. f. Sepals orbicular, cuspidate; standard obovate; distal lobes of wings crenate; spur short
Selangor & Perak Ridley, Curtis. I[mpatiens]. macrosepala H[oo]k[er]. Sepals very large orbicular concealing the lip; standard small obovate -- oblong; lip small, scaphiton[?] with 2 parallel short mamillaform[?] spurs. One specimen for Herb[arium] Kew. Kept*3 I[mpatiens]. mirabilis H[oo]k[er] f. is the only other M[alay]. Penins[ula] species known to me. All the above species belong to the section with turgid capsules. I have seen no Peninsula specimen of I[mpatiens]. Rahamni which abounds in India In the Himalaya to Cape Comorin, & in Burma: -- but there are specimens from Borneo & Sumatra. J D Hooker[signature] Of the other Malayan species in the Herbarium I have no remarks to make. The specimens in Herb[arium]. Kew for Java, Sumatra &c are for the most part indifferent or bad.

Page 1

Malay Peninsula Herb[arium] Ridley,
Jan[uar]y 1903
Leaves opposite
*1I[mpatiens]. Griffithii, H[oo]k[er] f & T[homson]. One specimen is marked I[mpatiens]. Chinensis L[innaeus]. (which I have not seen from the Peninsula[)]. Leaves opposite & alternate
*2I[mpatiens]. Curtisii H[oo]k[er] f. Sepals lanceolate; standard obcordate, distal lobes of [word illeg.] free, obcordate; spur very long slender
Perak Curtis. Ridley I[mpatiens]. Ridleyi, H[oo]k[er]. f. Sepals orbicular, cuspidate; standard obovate; distal lobes of wings crenate; spur short
Selangor & Perak Ridley, Curtis. I[mpatiens]. macrosepala H[oo]k[er]. Sepals very large orbicular concealing the lip; standard small obovate -- oblong; lip small, scaphiton[?] with 2 parallel short mamillaform[?] spurs. One specimen for Herb[arium] Kew. Kept*3 I[mpatiens]. mirabilis H[oo]k[er] f. is the only other M[alay]. Penins[ula] species known to me. All the above species belong to the section with turgid capsules. I have seen no Peninsula specimen of I[mpatiens]. Rahamni which abounds in India In the Himalaya to Cape Comorin, & in Burma: -- but there are specimens from Borneo & Sumatra. J D Hooker[signature] Of the other Malayan species in the Herbarium I have no remarks to make. The specimens in Herb[arium]. Kew for Java, Sumatra &c are for the most part indifferent or bad.


1. Sentence 'I[mpatiens]' to 'Peninsula' is indented. 2. Each sentence beginning 'I[mpatients]' is indented. 2. Sentence 'One specimen ... Kept' is written in pencil.

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