of Impatiens mirabilis is most important. Fox*4 has written to me to the same effect. It is unique in the genus!
Ever sincerely y[ou]rs | Jos[eph] D Hooker[signature]
If Nepenthes has been found in the Andaman Nicobars [Nicobar Islands] please let me know by post card.
The Camp,
Sept[ember] 1 1903
My dear Ridley*1,
I thank you very much for yours of Aug[ust] 3. & the valuable information you give me. Of course Scortechiniii & the other Calcutta Garden's collections will add greatly to your estimates[.] King['s]*2 letter tells me he has 338 Rubiaceae!
I think you have by oversight erred in making Dipterocarpus 6th in the Decad, with 161 species, do you not mean 61? which is about King's estimate? 73*3.
Your confirmation of my notion of the panicled inflorescence
of Impatiens mirabilis is most important. Fox*4 has written to me to the same effect. It is unique in the genus!
Ever sincerely y[ou]rs | Jos[eph] D Hooker[signature]
If Nepenthes has been found in the Andaman Nicobars [Nicobar Islands] please let me know by post card.
1. Henry Nicholas Ridley (1855--1956). English botanist, geologist and naturalist who spent much of his life in Singapore, where he was the first Scientific Director in charge of botanical gardens. In this role he introduced rubber as a commercial product to Malaysia & improved the method of tapping. He explored widely around Penang & Malacca. He retired to England in 1911 and worked on a five volume flora of the Malay Peninsula, published from 1922 to 1925. In 1930 he published a seminal work on plant dispersal: The Dispersal of Plants Throughout the World.
2. Sir George King (1840--1909). Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.
3. Number 73 added in pencil.
4. Probably Walter Fox (1858--1934). Assistant Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens, Singapore & Superintendent at Penang.
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