permanent footing.
It appears that the Treasury cannot sanction definitely any new fixed appointment till the estimates are laid before Parliament, which will be on April 1.
I shall be delighted to see you whenever it shall be convenient for you to come.
Very tr[ul]y y[ou]rs | Jos[eph] D Hooker[signature]
J G Baker*1 Esq[uire]
Ja[nuar]y 26 [18]66
My dear Sir*1
The treasury have sanctioned your being employed at Kew, as soon as it may be convenient for you to come, as a temporary arrangement; till March 31st; when I hope the Financial year begins, & (and) we shall all start afresh on a
permanent footing.
It appears that the Treasury cannot sanction definitely any new fixed appointment till the estimates are laid before Parliament, which will be on April 1.
I shall be delighted to see you whenever it shall be convenient for you to come.
Very tr[ul]y y[ou]rs | Jos[eph] D Hooker[signature]
J G Baker*1 Esq[uire]
I think I informed you that the salary granted for your office will be £200 rising by £5 annually to a maximum of £250. This begins on April 1; till then they sanction your temporary employment at the rate of £200 to commence as soon as is convenient to you to come.
1. John Gilbert Baker FRS (1834--1920). Worked in the library and the herbarium at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew from 1866--1899 and was Keeper of the Herbarium from 1890--1999. He wrote handbooks on many plant groups including the Irideae (1892).
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