ROYAL GARDENS KEW June 17/[18]79 My dear Mrs Smith*1 I have given my best attention to your enquiry as to the temporary disposal of the Jordan Hill library of Voyages & travels, which is, as you say, of great value. From the enquiries I have as yet made, I do not suppose that any public library or Society would accept the loan of them for a limited period -- in the
ROYAL GARDENS KEW June 17/[18]79 My dear Mrs Smith*1 I have given my best attention to your enquiry as to the temporary disposal of the Jordan Hill library of Voyages & travels, which is, as you say, of great value. From the enquiries I have as yet made, I do not suppose that any public library or Society would accept the loan of them for a limited period -- in the
first place a large proportion of the works would be in duplicate in any good Library; & then there is the cataloguing, insuring, & all the arrangements for lending out consultation &c, which would not be worth doing for a temporary loan. After all 1500 books, mostly 8vo, do not take much room, I have as many in my little study: & deal shelving is not expensive. Would it not be possible to accommodate
them at Putney? -- or in one or two bedrooms at Jordan Hill? If I was not overwhelmed with books I would offer them accommodation with pleasure. & I am sure there must be people in Glasgow who would be proud to "entertain them" for a limited period if one only knew who. Perhaps Sir W. Thomson could help. I will make further enquiries & if I hear of any thing will let you know --
meanwhile pray let me know if anything occurs to you. V[er]y sin[cerel]y y[our]s | J D Hooker [signature] Can you not come over tomorrow & we will talk over the matter. between 4 & 10 pm! --
1. Sarah Emma Smith
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