the positive mischief these men do science is incalculable. De Vriese has just made 60 species out of one Angiopteris, his characters taken from micrometric measurements of the length & breadth of the pinicles[?] to 1/100 inch.! one does not know whether to recommend a rattle, a strait--waistcoat or horse--pond for such people.
I assure you that Mrs Hooker thought your visit anything but dull, & will be extremely glad to see you back: she send best regards.
Ever sinc[erel]y y[our]s | Jos D Hooker [signature]
March 27/[18]52
My dear Munro*1
The bundle of [1 word illeg.] grasses goes this morning. You must have indeed been working hard to have got through so many. I am equally astonished at the number of Paniceae & at the paucity of new species, I certainly expected a very small proportion of the latter, but not quite so small. It quite tallies however with my
at last rapidly increasing knowledge of my own Indian collections. I extremely doubt 1/10th proving new, perhaps not 1/14 -- at the same time I am extremely glad of it; it shows how very complete our materials are for a Flora Indica, & I have no wish at all to stand godfather to any but very decidedly new species.
Pray do not think of coming out to Kew next week, except you
can turn your visit to profit. I should quite dislike seeing you for form's sake, knowing how much you have to do, say & see in London, & quite believing that you it would only aggravate your sufferings to be so near the Hay stacks here & not get a nibble. I have no engagements next month except for a week after the 16th, so do pray come if you come for a week.
What you tell me of M Stendal is quite lamentable
the positive mischief these men do science is incalculable. De Vriese has just made 60 species out of one Angiopteris, his characters taken from micrometric measurements of the length & breadth of the pinicles[?] to 1/100 inch.! one does not know whether to recommend a rattle, a strait--waistcoat or horse--pond for such people.
I assure you that Mrs Hooker thought your visit anything but dull, & will be extremely glad to see you back: she send best regards.
Ever sinc[erel]y y[our]s | Jos D Hooker [signature]
1. General William Munro
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