Should I keep up Psamma, Sclerochloa and Catabrosa, & Digraphis.
Is Lisleria[?] really to be put in Festuccae?
This is enough I hope for one letter!
I hope shortly to send you a Clavis generum, if you will kindly look over it. --
Ever sincerely yours | Jos D Hooker [signature]
1. General William Munro
2. This letter is not in Hooker's hand, but has Hooker's signature.
Please note that work on this transcript is ongoing. Users are advised to study electronic image(s) of this document where possible.
March 28 1870
My dear Munro*1,2
Thanks for your letter & information about the Grasses.
The plant you enclose is no doubt Plagianthus pulchellus[?], A Gray (Sida, Bonpl.[?]) & not worth cultivation --
I am busy at the British grasses and am anxious to reduce the genera as
far as I consistently can -- I make Digitaria a sub--genus of Panicum --
Am I right to keep Setaria distinct? So Also, I make Apera a sub-genus of Agrostis, might I not add as another sub--genus Gastridium?
Where do you place Tenappia? I suppose in Agrostideae.
Should I keep up Psamma, Sclerochloa and Catabrosa, & Digraphis.
Is Lisleria[?] really to be put in Festuccae?
This is enough I hope for one letter!
I hope shortly to send you a Clavis generum, if you will kindly look over it. --
Ever sincerely yours | Jos D Hooker [signature]
1. General William Munro
2. This letter is not in Hooker's hand, but has Hooker's signature.
Please note that work on this transcript is ongoing. Users are advised to study electronic image(s) of this document where possible.
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