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Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton
Nampole [?], Teesta River [India]
Hodgson, Brian Houghton
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
1 May 1849
© The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Indian Journals
The Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Original MS
1 page letter over 1 folio

Nampole, Teesta river
7 May 1849 
My dear Hodgson*1 
Since leaving your home on the 3rd little of much interest has crossed my path the route followed being Campbells*2 exactly & (and) his Journal which you have read gives a very & (and) accurate & (and) good description of the route. Still I shall go over it & (and) put down a few odds & (and) ends of my own by way of going on with a personal journal.
May 3rd rode down to the Guard house at Gt Ranjeet with Campbell who very kindly offered to see me through the first stage of my proposed & (and) thus commenced excursion to the snows N & (and) East of Kinchinjunga. - My future route is up the Teesta valley but whether the passes I hope to visit are over the main range of the Himal[ayas] to the N. of Sikkim or over the Eastern range dividing NE S[ikkim] from Thibet (there taking a turn to the S.) we do not know.*3

Page 1

Nampole, Teesta river
7 May 1849 
My dear Hodgson*1 
Since leaving your home on the 3rd little of much interest has crossed my path the route followed being Campbells*2 exactly & (and) his Journal which you have read gives a very & (and) accurate & (and) good description of the route. Still I shall go over it & (and) put down a few odds & (and) ends of my own by way of going on with a personal journal.
May 3rd rode down to the Guard house at Gt Ranjeet with Campbell who very kindly offered to see me through the first stage of my proposed & (and) thus commenced excursion to the snows N & (and) East of Kinchinjunga. - My future route is up the Teesta valley but whether the passes I hope to visit are over the main range of the Himal[ayas] to the N. of Sikkim or over the Eastern range dividing NE S[ikkim] from Thibet (there taking a turn to the S.) we do not know.*3


1.Brian Houghton Hodgson (1801—1894). A pioneer naturalist and ethnologist working in India and Nepal where he was a British civil servant. Joseph Hooker stayed at Hodgson’s house in Darjeeling periodically during his expedition to India and the Himalayas, 1847—1851. He named one of his sons after him & they remained lifelong friends.
2. Dr Archibald Campbell or Dr Arthur Campbell (1805--1874). First superintendent of Darjeeling, India under British rule, an East India Company representative. Former assistant to Brian Hodgson during his time as British Resident in Kathmandu and a great friend of Joseph Hooker. Hooker & Campbell travelled together in Sikkim in 1849 and both were briefly imprisoned by the Rajah of Sikkim. His first name has been subject to debate.
3. This letter is unsigned; it continues in Journal format.
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