Malayidian[?] & Index to plates in Part II. I am sorry to have to trouble you so soon after you are in harness*1. Brandis*2 has just arrived at Kew, with a lot of work to do in Dipterocarps & Acanthaceae[.] "The Herbarium" is just recovering from an Epidemic of Influenza that smote[?] almost all the employees down from the Director & his wife downwards.
With Lady Hooker´s kind regards to to Mrs Prain if she is with you.
[Illeg.] | Jos D Hooker [signature]
March 13/[18]98
Dear Mr Prain
Dr King has referred me to you for any missing plates in letterpress of vol. viii of the Annals. Bot. Gard. Calcutta. I find that I have all the plates complete, but of the letterpress I want sheet[s] pp 81-96. Also some title pages, Preface, Dedication & homages[?], not[?] set[?] [illeg.] I suppose. Of title pages I have the general one - Ann. R.B.G. C. vol. Viii[.] The contents of S. H by K. & B. Also a little page of Part II Plate 2
Malayidian[?] & Index to plates in Part II. I am sorry to have to trouble you so soon after you are in harness*1. Brandis*2 has just arrived at Kew, with a lot of work to do in Dipterocarps & Acanthaceae[.] "The Herbarium" is just recovering from an Epidemic of Influenza that smote[?] almost all the employees down from the Director & his wife downwards.
With Lady Hooker´s kind regards to to Mrs Prain if she is with you.
[Illeg.] | Jos D Hooker [signature]
1. In 1898 Prain was appointed Director of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta and of the Botanical Survey of India, remaining there until 1905.
2. Sir Dietrich Brandis (1824 -- 1907).
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