much love to all | your affectionate son | Jos.D. Hooker [signature]
P.S. If you do not come down to Southampton please send me a five pound note by post.
March 13 / [18]51
Dear Father
We hope to arrive at Southampton about the 24 th or thereabouts, & shall probably be detained 11/2 or two days before getting on at London.
If you should think of coming down I shall be very glad to see you indeed, but do not risk your health on any account.
Falconer has given [Thimas] Thomson and myself a most kind letter of introduction to Sir J.W. Hogg *1 Dep[uty]. Chairman of the India House & a letter [of] recommendation in the shape of the charge of 2 Amherstia plants in a portable ward's case. Which Sir J. wrote for.Thomson wants to get on to Glasgow without delay and will only wait an hour or so in London to deliver the
letter to Hogg as this appears to us a stroke of great importance. We should greatly like you to accompany us at the India House if you could do so conveniently.
If you cannot come down to Southampton I will write you the train by which we shall leave & hope to meet you at the Terminus.
I should also like to report myself to the Woods & Forests & also one or two other little things in London before going to Kew.
There are some plants for you in the box with the Amherstia all are in beautiful order so far. It is blowing very heavily so I cannot write properly -- we expect to be in Malta harbour to night [sic].
much love to all | your affectionate son | Jos.D. Hooker [signature]
P.S. If you do not come down to Southampton please send me a five pound note by post.
1. Sir James Weir Hogg
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